Cabarrus Rowan Community Health Centers are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality, cost effective medical care.
We accept all major credit cards and offer sliding scale payments for those who qualify.


Dear CRCHC Patient,

Thank you for being a loyal patient and putting your valuable trust in CRCHC for all these years.

Please be advised that our nominal fees for medical, dental, behavioral health, nurse, and psychiatry have increased effective March 1, 2024.

As always, we are striving to evolve and improve our services. The price increase will help us to introduce new features and products and serve you better.

We thank you for your understanding and support.

If you have any questions, please call our billing department at 704-792-2295. Our top priority is to make sure our patients are getting the care that they need. 


Thank you,

Cabarrus Rowan Community Health Centers, Inc.

Learn More About Our Sliding Fee Scale Program


Please see below for pricing.



Learn about Good Faith Estimate Rights Here


​All patients of Cabarrus Rowan Community Health Centers, CRCHC, are eligible to apply for the sliding fee discount program, SFDP. Our program will allow us to discount your services based on your income and family size. The discount is valid for 12 months. Annually we will ask you to verify your income and family size. Our SFDP is optional for all patients, if you decline all fees will apply.

We accept the following payment methods:

  • Private Insurance
    • HMO
    • PPO
  • Medicaid/Medicare
  • Credit/Debit Cards
  • Cash
Do you need health insurance?
Necesita un seguro de salud?

We have Certified Application Counselors (CACs) available to answer your questions and to help you apply for or renew coverage!
Tenemos Consejeros Certificados para Ayudarle a llenar su solicitud

To apply for the Sliding Fee Discount Program, patients must supply required documentation; including valid photo identification, proof of income for the past 30 days and current address verification. Patients must be re-certified every six months or sooner.



Acceptable Identification​

  • Driver’s License
  • Passport
  • Current College ID Card
  • U.S. State-Issued ID Card
  • U.S. Immigration Photo ID Card
  • Military/Foreign ID Card

Acceptable Proof of Income​

  • Check stub(s) from employer equaling the last 30 days of employment
  • Disability/Worker’s Compensation Notification Form
  • Medicaid/Medicare Form or Card
  • Income Tax W2 Form
  • Social Security Notification Form
  • Unemployment Eligibility Sheet*, Checks or Check Stub
  • Veteran’s Benefit Statement
  • Child Support Court Award
  • Official Documentation from another Social Services Agency

You may be eligible for subsidies to help pay for insurance.​
Pre-existing conditions and Preventive Care are covered under BCBS plans currently offered in the marketplace.​
Starting 2019 there will be no penalty for being uninsured, however, remember to stay covered for better care and a healthier you.

We are a NON-Profit Organization and our CAC’s services are FREE!​

Nuestra Organización es para beneficios sin fines de lucro y este servicio con nuestros consejeros es GRATIS